Saturday, April 11, 2009


So I'm sitting here watching the news with the pops, well, as he sleeps, and it's brought me to realize how pathetic our world is. I don't get how a Sunday School teacher could kill one of her daughters' friends. Or how 4 'pirates' can take over a cargo ship. It's sad. Do people really get that bored to think- oh what could I do so I can get a bunch of money? OH! I know, lets go take over a boat then request 2 million dollars for the captain. No. That's not how it should be. If you apply yourself and work then save up you can get that money. But like other people just work for it and not take people hostage. UGH. It just makes me so upset that this is what it's come to.

Anyways.. My birthday was two days ago and I am now 17. Which means donating blood, driving with more than one person in the car, and rated R movies. Woot. It's not like I haven't drivin with more than one person or seen rated R movies but now if I get carded I can easily whip out my I.D. and be like waBAM, no longer doing illegal stuff. in. your. face. So from the fam I got some tickets to go see Fall Out Boy, MetroStation, All Time Low, Hey Monday, and CobraStarship, I'M SO PUMPED. And what's even more exciting is I also got tickets to TAYLOR SWIFT. Almost peed my pants. I also got some other little things. My friends made me a vid collab of all my friends saying happy birthday and I love it very much.

interesting tidbit:The magic word "Abracadabra" was originally intended for the specific purpose of curing hay fever.


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